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اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Endurance Training and Aerobic Fitness in Young People

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Endurance Training and Aerobic Fitness in Young People

Endurance Training and Aerobic Fitness in Young People   Abstract Training-induced adaptations in aerobic fitness have been extensively studied in adults, and some exercise scientists have recommended similar training programmes for young people. However, the subject of the response to aerobic training of children and adolescents is controversial. The effects of exercise training on prepubertal children are particularly debatable. The latter may be partly explained by different training designs, which make comparisons between studies very problematic. We have analysed the procedures applied to protocol design and training methods to highlight the real impact of aerobic training on the peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2) of healthy children and adolescents. In accordance with previously published reviews on trainability in youngsters, research papers were rejected from the final analysis according to criteria such as the lack of a control group, an unclear training protocol, inappropriate ...