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Science and Soccer

Science and Soccer

Science and Soccer

عنوان کتاب: Science and Soccer by T. Reilly سال: 1995ویرایش: 1زبان: انگلیسیتعداد صفحه (نسخه چاپی - نسخه الکترونیکی): 408-405شابک: 0419188800, 9780419188803, 9780203474785نوع فایل: pdfحجم: 3.00 مگابایت Science and Soccer provides a comprehensive and accessible analysis of the physiology, biomechanics and psychology behind the worlds most popular sport, and offers important guidance on how science translates into practice. Fully revised and updated to include new scientific research and data, it examines every key facet of the sport, including: players anatomy, physiology, psychology and biomechanics coaching and training nutrition injury prevention and rehabilitation soccer surfaces and equipment match...

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